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Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Looking Back, Indoor TV antennas from the past

These old antennas would work as well today as they did back then, and do you know why? It's because all TV antennas are "Digital" ready. The term "Digital Antenna" is simply a marketing tool used to make consumers think they need a new "digital" TV antenna in order to watch free TV over the air but it just isn't so.

Far as marketing goes it's nothing new. Way back when TV shows were transitioning from black and white to color, antenna manufacturers started marketing their product as "Color TV Antennas." Like you wouldn't get color TV without one.

Ya' gotta' love it!

Most of the following indoor antennas have rabbit ears which are used for VHF channels 2 through 13. No Dayton TV channel still uses the VHF frequencies so there is no need for rabbit ears in this market. Every TV channel in Dayton is now a UHF channel. For example, WDTN  channel 2  is actually broadcasting on UHF channel 50 and WHIO channel 7 is broadcasting on UHF channel 41.

Anywho, here's the pictures...

                                                                                                                                                                                    Radio Shack Archer model


                                                 Someday it will be mine


                                          The atomic age of the TV antenna

                          Possibly the best indoor UHF TV antenna ever made

1 comment:

  1. Buy a 300 ohm balun...attach a coaxial cable to it and your TV...then tie the split wire connectors to ANY design of your choice that is metal...look up DIY antenna building...make your functional piece of terrestrial antenna art!
